Advanced Computer Courses


JAVA/J2EE is the basic language in the world of Programming along with other languages. JAVA is an open source OOPS language. It has evolved over the years to become the language of choice for robust banking applications and security driven applications. JAVA is the language of choice for candidates wanting to make a mark in the developer's world. Most frameworks are using JAVA as their base programming language to build their framework as it is easy to program and has a huge eco-system of predefined libraries for easy usage. JAVA is a must-know language for people wanting to enter the IT industry as a Programmer / Developer. JAVA/J2EE is an evergreen technology and always in high demand.


After completing the NS2/NS3 Training Course student will be able to do Understand wireless sensor network simulation Understand the simulation of TCP, routing, and multicast protocols over wired and wireless networks Designing and simulation of IEEE projects Make new algorithm and simulate Write mutipupose networks protocol Application



